1// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5import 'dart:ui' as ui;
7import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
8import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart';
9import 'package:flutter/painting.dart';
10import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
11import 'package:vector_math/vector_math_64.dart';
13import 'debug.dart';
15/// Information collected for an annotation that is found in the layer tree.
17/// See also:
19/// * [Layer.findAnnotations], which create and use objects of this class.
21class AnnotationEntry<T> {
22 /// Create an entry of found annotation by providing the object and related
23 /// information.
24 const AnnotationEntry({
25 required this.annotation,
26 required this.localPosition,
27 });
29 /// The annotation object that is found.
30 final T annotation;
32 /// The target location described by the local coordinate space of the
33 /// annotation object.
34 final Offset localPosition;
36 @override
37 String toString() {
38 return '${objectRuntimeType(this, 'AnnotationEntry')}(annotation: $annotation, localPosition: $localPosition)';
39 }
42/// Information collected about a list of annotations that are found in the
43/// layer tree.
45/// See also:
47/// * [AnnotationEntry], which are members of this class.
48/// * [Layer.findAllAnnotations], and [Layer.findAnnotations], which create and
49/// use an object of this class.
50class AnnotationResult<T> {
51 final List<AnnotationEntry<T>> _entries = <AnnotationEntry<T>>[];
53 /// Add a new entry to the end of the result.
54 ///
55 /// Usually, entries should be added in order from most specific to least
56 /// specific, typically during an upward walk of the tree.
57 void add(AnnotationEntry<T> entry) => _entries.add(entry);
59 /// An unmodifiable list of [AnnotationEntry] objects recorded.
60 ///
61 /// The first entry is the most specific, typically the one at the leaf of
62 /// tree.
63 Iterable<AnnotationEntry<T>> get entries => _entries;
65 /// An unmodifiable list of annotations recorded.
66 ///
67 /// The first entry is the most specific, typically the one at the leaf of
68 /// tree.
69 ///
70 /// It is similar to [entries] but does not contain other information.
71 Iterable<T> get annotations {
72 return _entries.map((AnnotationEntry<T> entry) => entry.annotation);
73 }
76const String _flutterRenderingLibrary = 'package:flutter/rendering.dart';
78/// A composited layer.
80/// During painting, the render tree generates a tree of composited layers that
81/// are uploaded into the engine and displayed by the compositor. This class is
82/// the base class for all composited layers.
84/// Most layers can have their properties mutated, and layers can be moved to
85/// different parents. The scene must be explicitly recomposited after such
86/// changes are made; the layer tree does not maintain its own dirty state.
88/// To composite the tree, create a [SceneBuilder] object, pass it to the
89/// root [Layer] object's [addToScene] method, and then call
90/// [SceneBuilder.build] to obtain a [Scene]. A [Scene] can then be painted
91/// using [dart:ui.FlutterView.render].
93/// ## Memory
95/// Layers retain resources between frames to speed up rendering. A layer will
96/// retain these resources until all [LayerHandle]s referring to the layer have
97/// nulled out their references.
99/// Layers must not be used after disposal. If a RenderObject needs to maintain
100/// a layer for later usage, it must create a handle to that layer. This is
101/// handled automatically for the [RenderObject.layer] property, but additional
102/// layers must use their own [LayerHandle].
104/// {@tool snippet}
106/// This [RenderObject] is a repaint boundary that pushes an additional
107/// [ClipRectLayer].
109/// ```dart
110/// class ClippingRenderObject extends RenderBox {
111/// final LayerHandle<ClipRectLayer> _clipRectLayer = LayerHandle<ClipRectLayer>();
113/// @override
114/// bool get isRepaintBoundary => true; // The [layer] property will be used.
116/// @override
117/// void paint(PaintingContext context, Offset offset) {
118/// _clipRectLayer.layer = context.pushClipRect(
119/// needsCompositing,
120/// offset,
121/// Offset.zero & size,
122/// super.paint,
123/// oldLayer: _clipRectLayer.layer,
124/// );
125/// }
127/// @override
128/// void dispose() {
129/// _clipRectLayer.layer = null;
130/// super.dispose();
131/// }
132/// }
133/// ```
134/// {@end-tool}
135/// See also:
137/// * [RenderView.compositeFrame], which implements this recomposition protocol
138/// for painting [RenderObject] trees on the display.
139abstract class Layer with DiagnosticableTreeMixin {
140 /// Creates an instance of Layer.
141 Layer() {
142 if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
143 FlutterMemoryAllocations.instance.dispatchObjectCreated(
144 library: _flutterRenderingLibrary,
145 className: '$Layer',
146 object: this,
147 );
148 }
149 }
151 final Map<int, VoidCallback> _callbacks = <int, VoidCallback>{};
152 static int _nextCallbackId = 0;
154 /// Whether the subtree rooted at this layer has any composition callback
155 /// observers.
156 ///
157 /// This only evaluates to true if the subtree rooted at this node has
158 /// observers. For example, it may evaluate to true on a parent node but false
159 /// on a child if the parent has observers but the child does not.
160 ///
161 /// See also:
162 ///
163 /// * [Layer.addCompositionCallback].
164 bool get subtreeHasCompositionCallbacks => _compositionCallbackCount > 0;
166 int _compositionCallbackCount = 0;
167 void _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(int delta) {
168 assert(delta != 0);
169 _compositionCallbackCount += delta;
170 assert(_compositionCallbackCount >= 0);
171 parent?._updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(delta);
172 }
174 void _fireCompositionCallbacks({required bool includeChildren}) {
175 if (_callbacks.isEmpty) {
176 return;
177 }
178 for (final VoidCallback callback in List<VoidCallback>.of(_callbacks.values)) {
179 callback();
180 }
181 }
183 bool _debugMutationsLocked = false;
185 /// Whether or not this layer, or any child layers, can be rasterized with
186 /// [Scene.toImage] or [Scene.toImageSync].
187 ///
188 /// If `false`, calling the above methods may yield an image which is
189 /// incomplete.
190 ///
191 /// This value may change throughout the lifetime of the object, as the
192 /// child layers themselves are added or removed.
193 bool supportsRasterization() {
194 return true;
195 }
197 /// Describes the clip that would be applied to contents of this layer,
198 /// if any.
199 Rect? describeClipBounds() => null;
201 /// Adds a callback for when the layer tree that this layer is part of gets
202 /// composited, or when it is detached and will not be rendered again.
203 ///
204 /// This callback will fire even if an ancestor layer is added with retained
205 /// rendering, meaning that it will fire even if this layer gets added to the
206 /// scene via some call to [ui.SceneBuilder.addRetained] on one of its
207 /// ancestor layers.
208 ///
209 /// The callback receives a reference to this layer. The recipient must not
210 /// mutate the layer during the scope of the callback, but may traverse the
211 /// tree to find information about the current transform or clip. The layer
212 /// may not be [attached] anymore in this state, but even if it is detached it
213 /// may still have an also detached parent it can visit.
214 ///
215 /// If new callbacks are added or removed within the [callback], the new
216 /// callbacks will fire (or stop firing) on the _next_ compositing event.
217 ///
218 /// {@template flutter.rendering.Layer.compositionCallbacks}
219 /// Composition callbacks are useful in place of pushing a layer that would
220 /// otherwise try to observe the layer tree without actually affecting
221 /// compositing. For example, a composition callback may be used to observe
222 /// the total transform and clip of the current container layer to determine
223 /// whether a render object drawn into it is visible or not.
224 ///
225 /// Calling the returned callback will remove [callback] from the composition
226 /// callbacks.
227 /// {@endtemplate}
228 VoidCallback addCompositionCallback(CompositionCallback callback) {
229 _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(1);
230 final int callbackId = _nextCallbackId += 1;
231 _callbacks[callbackId] = () {
232 assert(() {
233 _debugMutationsLocked = true;
234 return true;
235 }());
236 callback(this);
237 assert(() {
238 _debugMutationsLocked = false;
239 return true;
240 }());
241 };
242 return () {
243 assert(debugDisposed || _callbacks.containsKey(callbackId));
244 _callbacks.remove(callbackId);
245 _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(-1);
246 };
247 }
249 /// If asserts are enabled, returns whether [dispose] has
250 /// been called since the last time any retained resources were created.
251 ///
252 /// Throws an exception if asserts are disabled.
253 bool get debugDisposed {
254 late bool disposed;
255 assert(() {
256 disposed = _debugDisposed;
257 return true;
258 }());
259 return disposed;
260 }
261 bool _debugDisposed = false;
263 /// Set when this layer is appended to a [ContainerLayer], and
264 /// unset when it is removed.
265 ///
266 /// This cannot be set from [attach] or [detach] which is called when an
267 /// entire subtree is attached to or detached from an owner. Layers may be
268 /// appended to or removed from a [ContainerLayer] regardless of whether they
269 /// are attached or detached, and detaching a layer from an owner does not
270 /// imply that it has been removed from its parent.
271 final LayerHandle<Layer> _parentHandle = LayerHandle<Layer>();
273 /// Incremented by [LayerHandle].
274 int _refCount = 0;
276 /// Called by [LayerHandle].
277 void _unref() {
278 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
279 assert(_refCount > 0);
280 _refCount -= 1;
281 if (_refCount == 0) {
282 dispose();
283 }
284 }
286 /// Returns the number of objects holding a [LayerHandle] to this layer.
287 ///
288 /// This method throws if asserts are disabled.
289 int get debugHandleCount {
290 late int count;
291 assert(() {
292 count = _refCount;
293 return true;
294 }());
295 return count;
296 }
298 /// Clears any retained resources that this layer holds.
299 ///
300 /// This method must dispose resources such as [EngineLayer] and [Picture]
301 /// objects. The layer is still usable after this call, but any graphics
302 /// related resources it holds will need to be recreated.
303 ///
304 /// This method _only_ disposes resources for this layer. For example, if it
305 /// is a [ContainerLayer], it does not dispose resources of any children.
306 /// However, [ContainerLayer]s do remove any children they have when
307 /// this method is called, and if this layer was the last holder of a removed
308 /// child handle, the child may recursively clean up its resources.
309 ///
310 /// This method automatically gets called when all outstanding [LayerHandle]s
311 /// are disposed. [LayerHandle] objects are typically held by the [parent]
312 /// layer of this layer and any [RenderObject]s that participated in creating
313 /// it.
314 ///
315 /// After calling this method, the object is unusable.
316 @mustCallSuper
317 @protected
318 @visibleForTesting
319 void dispose() {
320 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
321 assert(
322 !_debugDisposed,
323 'Layers must only be disposed once. This is typically handled by '
324 'LayerHandle and createHandle. Subclasses should not directly call '
325 'dispose, except to call super.dispose() in an overridden dispose '
326 'method. Tests must only call dispose once.',
327 );
328 assert(() {
329 assert(
330 _refCount == 0,
331 'Do not directly call dispose on a $runtimeType. Instead, '
332 'use createHandle and LayerHandle.dispose.',
333 );
334 _debugDisposed = true;
335 return true;
336 }());
337 if (kFlutterMemoryAllocationsEnabled) {
338 FlutterMemoryAllocations.instance.dispatchObjectDisposed(object: this);
339 }
340 _engineLayer?.dispose();
341 _engineLayer = null;
342 }
344 /// This layer's parent in the layer tree.
345 ///
346 /// The [parent] of the root node in the layer tree is null.
347 ///
348 /// Only subclasses of [ContainerLayer] can have children in the layer tree.
349 /// All other layer classes are used for leaves in the layer tree.
350 ContainerLayer? get parent => _parent;
351 ContainerLayer? _parent;
353 // Whether this layer has any changes since its last call to [addToScene].
354 //
355 // Initialized to true as a new layer has never called [addToScene], and is
356 // set to false after calling [addToScene]. The value can become true again
357 // if [markNeedsAddToScene] is called, or when [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene]
358 // is called on this layer or on an ancestor layer.
359 //
360 // The values of [_needsAddToScene] in a tree of layers are said to be
361 // _consistent_ if every layer in the tree satisfies the following:
362 //
363 // - If [alwaysNeedsAddToScene] is true, then [_needsAddToScene] is also true.
364 // - If [_needsAddToScene] is true and [parent] is not null, then
365 // `parent._needsAddToScene` is true.
366 //
367 // Typically, this value is set during the paint phase and during compositing.
368 // During the paint phase render objects create new layers and call
369 // [markNeedsAddToScene] on existing layers, causing this value to become
370 // true. After the paint phase the tree may be in an inconsistent state.
371 // During compositing [ContainerLayer.buildScene] first calls
372 // [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene] to bring this tree to a consistent state,
373 // then it calls [addToScene], and finally sets this field to false.
374 bool _needsAddToScene = true;
376 /// Mark that this layer has changed and [addToScene] needs to be called.
377 @protected
378 @visibleForTesting
379 void markNeedsAddToScene() {
380 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
381 assert(
382 !alwaysNeedsAddToScene,
383 '$runtimeType with alwaysNeedsAddToScene set called markNeedsAddToScene.\n'
384 "The layer's alwaysNeedsAddToScene is set to true, and therefore it should not call markNeedsAddToScene.",
385 );
386 assert(!_debugDisposed);
388 // Already marked. Short-circuit.
389 if (_needsAddToScene) {
390 return;
391 }
393 _needsAddToScene = true;
394 }
396 /// Mark that this layer is in sync with engine.
397 ///
398 /// This is for debugging and testing purposes only. In release builds
399 /// this method has no effect.
400 @visibleForTesting
401 void debugMarkClean() {
402 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
403 assert(() {
404 _needsAddToScene = false;
405 return true;
406 }());
407 }
409 /// Subclasses may override this to true to disable retained rendering.
410 @protected
411 bool get alwaysNeedsAddToScene => false;
413 /// Whether this or any descendant layer in the subtree needs [addToScene].
414 ///
415 /// This is for debug and test purpose only. It only becomes valid after
416 /// calling [updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene].
417 @visibleForTesting
418 bool? get debugSubtreeNeedsAddToScene {
419 bool? result;
420 assert(() {
421 result = _needsAddToScene;
422 return true;
423 }());
424 return result;
425 }
427 /// Stores the engine layer created for this layer in order to reuse engine
428 /// resources across frames for better app performance.
429 ///
430 /// This value may be passed to [ui.SceneBuilder.addRetained] to communicate
431 /// to the engine that nothing in this layer or any of its descendants
432 /// changed. The native engine could, for example, reuse the texture rendered
433 /// in a previous frame. The web engine could, for example, reuse the HTML
434 /// DOM nodes created for a previous frame.
435 ///
436 /// This value may be passed as `oldLayer` argument to a "push" method to
437 /// communicate to the engine that a layer is updating a previously rendered
438 /// layer. The web engine could, for example, update the properties of
439 /// previously rendered HTML DOM nodes rather than creating new nodes.
440 @protected
441 @visibleForTesting
442 ui.EngineLayer? get engineLayer => _engineLayer;
444 /// Sets the engine layer used to render this layer.
445 ///
446 /// Typically this field is set to the value returned by [addToScene], which
447 /// in turn returns the engine layer produced by one of [ui.SceneBuilder]'s
448 /// "push" methods, such as [ui.SceneBuilder.pushOpacity].
449 @protected
450 @visibleForTesting
451 set engineLayer(ui.EngineLayer? value) {
452 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
453 assert(!_debugDisposed);
455 _engineLayer?.dispose();
456 _engineLayer = value;
457 if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
458 // The parent must construct a new engine layer to add this layer to, and
459 // so we mark it as needing [addToScene].
460 //
461 // This is designed to handle two situations:
462 //
463 // 1. When rendering the complete layer tree as normal. In this case we
464 // call child `addToScene` methods first, then we call `set engineLayer`
465 // for the parent. The children will call `markNeedsAddToScene` on the
466 // parent to signal that they produced new engine layers and therefore
467 // the parent needs to update. In this case, the parent is already adding
468 // itself to the scene via [addToScene], and so after it's done, its
469 // `set engineLayer` is called and it clears the `_needsAddToScene` flag.
470 //
471 // 2. When rendering an interior layer (e.g. `OffsetLayer.toImage`). In
472 // this case we call `addToScene` for one of the children but not the
473 // parent, i.e. we produce new engine layers for children but not for the
474 // parent. Here the children will mark the parent as needing
475 // `addToScene`, but the parent does not clear the flag until some future
476 // frame decides to render it, at which point the parent knows that it
477 // cannot retain its engine layer and will call `addToScene` again.
478 if (parent != null && !parent!.alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
479 parent!.markNeedsAddToScene();
480 }
481 }
482 }
483 ui.EngineLayer? _engineLayer;
485 /// Traverses the layer subtree starting from this layer and determines whether it needs [addToScene].
486 ///
487 /// A layer needs [addToScene] if any of the following is true:
488 ///
489 /// - [alwaysNeedsAddToScene] is true.
490 /// - [markNeedsAddToScene] has been called.
491 /// - Any of its descendants need [addToScene].
492 ///
493 /// [ContainerLayer] overrides this method to recursively call it on its children.
494 @protected
495 @visibleForTesting
496 void updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene() {
497 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
498 _needsAddToScene = _needsAddToScene || alwaysNeedsAddToScene;
499 }
501 /// The owner for this layer (null if unattached).
502 ///
503 /// The entire layer tree that this layer belongs to will have the same owner.
504 ///
505 /// Typically the owner is a [RenderView].
506 Object? get owner => _owner;
507 Object? _owner;
509 /// Whether the layer tree containing this layer is attached to an owner.
510 ///
511 /// This becomes true during the call to [attach].
512 ///
513 /// This becomes false during the call to [detach].
514 bool get attached => _owner != null;
516 /// Mark this layer as attached to the given owner.
517 ///
518 /// Typically called only from the [parent]'s [attach] method, and by the
519 /// [owner] to mark the root of a tree as attached.
520 ///
521 /// Subclasses with children should override this method to
522 /// [attach] all their children to the same [owner]
523 /// after calling the inherited method, as in `super.attach(owner)`.
524 @mustCallSuper
525 void attach(covariant Object owner) {
526 assert(_owner == null);
527 _owner = owner;
528 }
530 /// Mark this layer as detached from its owner.
531 ///
532 /// Typically called only from the [parent]'s [detach], and by the [owner] to
533 /// mark the root of a tree as detached.
534 ///
535 /// Subclasses with children should override this method to
536 /// [detach] all their children after calling the inherited method,
537 /// as in `super.detach()`.
538 @mustCallSuper
539 void detach() {
540 assert(_owner != null);
541 _owner = null;
542 assert(parent == null || attached == parent!.attached);
543 }
545 /// The depth of this layer in the layer tree.
546 ///
547 /// The depth of nodes in a tree monotonically increases as you traverse down
548 /// the tree. There's no guarantee regarding depth between siblings.
549 ///
550 /// The depth is used to ensure that nodes are processed in depth order.
551 int get depth => _depth;
552 int _depth = 0;
554 /// Adjust the [depth] of this node's children, if any.
555 ///
556 /// Override this method in subclasses with child nodes to call
557 /// [ContainerLayer.redepthChild] for each child. Do not call this method
558 /// directly.
559 @protected
560 void redepthChildren() {
561 // ContainerLayer provides an implementation since its the only one that
562 // can actually have children.
563 }
565 /// This layer's next sibling in the parent layer's child list.
566 Layer? get nextSibling => _nextSibling;
567 Layer? _nextSibling;
569 /// This layer's previous sibling in the parent layer's child list.
570 Layer? get previousSibling => _previousSibling;
571 Layer? _previousSibling;
573 /// Removes this layer from its parent layer's child list.
574 ///
575 /// This has no effect if the layer's parent is already null.
576 @mustCallSuper
577 void remove() {
578 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
579 parent?._removeChild(this);
580 }
582 /// Search this layer and its subtree for annotations of type `S` at the
583 /// location described by `localPosition`.
584 ///
585 /// This method is called by the default implementation of [find] and
586 /// [findAllAnnotations]. Override this method to customize how the layer
587 /// should search for annotations, or if the layer has its own annotations to
588 /// add.
589 ///
590 /// The default implementation always returns `false`, which means neither
591 /// the layer nor its children has annotations, and the annotation search
592 /// is not absorbed either (see below for explanation).
593 ///
594 /// ## About layer annotations
595 ///
596 /// {@template flutter.rendering.Layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
597 /// An annotation is an optional object of any type that can be carried with a
598 /// layer. An annotation can be found at a location as long as the owner layer
599 /// contains the location and is walked to.
600 ///
601 /// The annotations are searched by first visiting each child recursively,
602 /// then this layer, resulting in an order from visually front to back.
603 /// Annotations must meet the given restrictions, such as type and position.
604 ///
605 /// The common way for a value to be found here is by pushing an
606 /// [AnnotatedRegionLayer] into the layer tree, or by adding the desired
607 /// annotation by overriding [findAnnotations].
608 /// {@endtemplate}
609 ///
610 /// ## Parameters and return value
611 ///
612 /// The [result] parameter is where the method outputs the resulting
613 /// annotations. New annotations found during the walk are added to the tail.
614 ///
615 /// The [onlyFirst] parameter indicates that, if true, the search will stop
616 /// when it finds the first qualified annotation; otherwise, it will walk the
617 /// entire subtree.
618 ///
619 /// The return value indicates the opacity of this layer and its subtree at
620 /// this position. If it returns true, then this layer's parent should skip
621 /// the children behind this layer. In other words, it is opaque to this type
622 /// of annotation and has absorbed the search so that its siblings behind it
623 /// are not aware of the search. If the return value is false, then the parent
624 /// might continue with other siblings.
625 ///
626 /// The return value does not affect whether the parent adds its own
627 /// annotations; in other words, if a layer is supposed to add an annotation,
628 /// it will always add it even if its children are opaque to this type of
629 /// annotation. However, the opacity that the parents return might be affected
630 /// by their children, hence making all of its ancestors opaque to this type
631 /// of annotation.
632 @protected
633 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(
634 AnnotationResult<S> result,
635 Offset localPosition, {
636 required bool onlyFirst,
637 }) {
638 return false;
639 }
641 /// Search this layer and its subtree for the first annotation of type `S`
642 /// under the point described by `localPosition`.
643 ///
644 /// Returns null if no matching annotations are found.
645 ///
646 /// By default this method calls [findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst:
647 /// true` and returns the annotation of the first result. Prefer overriding
648 /// [findAnnotations] instead of this method, because during an annotation
649 /// search, only [findAnnotations] is recursively called, while custom
650 /// behavior in this method is ignored.
651 ///
652 /// ## About layer annotations
653 ///
654 /// {@macro flutter.rendering.Layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
655 ///
656 /// See also:
657 ///
658 /// * [findAllAnnotations], which is similar but returns all annotations found
659 /// at the given position.
660 /// * [AnnotatedRegionLayer], for placing values in the layer tree.
661 S? find<S extends Object>(Offset localPosition) {
662 final AnnotationResult<S> result = AnnotationResult<S>();
663 findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: true);
664 return result.entries.isEmpty ? null : result.entries.first.annotation;
665 }
667 /// Search this layer and its subtree for all annotations of type `S` under
668 /// the point described by `localPosition`.
669 ///
670 /// Returns a result with empty entries if no matching annotations are found.
671 ///
672 /// By default this method calls [findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst:
673 /// false` and returns the annotations of its result. Prefer overriding
674 /// [findAnnotations] instead of this method, because during an annotation
675 /// search, only [findAnnotations] is recursively called, while custom
676 /// behavior in this method is ignored.
677 ///
678 /// ## About layer annotations
679 ///
680 /// {@macro flutter.rendering.Layer.findAnnotations.aboutAnnotations}
681 ///
682 /// See also:
683 ///
684 /// * [find], which is similar but returns the first annotation found at the
685 /// given position.
686 /// * [AnnotatedRegionLayer], for placing values in the layer tree.
687 AnnotationResult<S> findAllAnnotations<S extends Object>(Offset localPosition) {
688 final AnnotationResult<S> result = AnnotationResult<S>();
689 findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: false);
690 return result;
691 }
693 /// Override this method to upload this layer to the engine.
694 @protected
695 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder);
697 void _addToSceneWithRetainedRendering(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
698 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
699 // There can't be a loop by adding a retained layer subtree whose
700 // _needsAddToScene is false.
701 //
702 // Proof by contradiction:
703 //
704 // If we introduce a loop, this retained layer must be appended to one of
705 // its descendant layers, say A. That means the child structure of A has
706 // changed so A's _needsAddToScene is true. This contradicts
707 // _needsAddToScene being false.
708 if (!_needsAddToScene && _engineLayer != null) {
709 builder.addRetained(_engineLayer!);
710 return;
711 }
712 addToScene(builder);
713 // Clearing the flag _after_ calling `addToScene`, not _before_. This is
714 // because `addToScene` calls children's `addToScene` methods, which may
715 // mark this layer as dirty.
716 _needsAddToScene = false;
717 }
719 /// The object responsible for creating this layer.
720 ///
721 /// Defaults to the value of [RenderObject.debugCreator] for the render object
722 /// that created this layer. Used in debug messages.
723 Object? debugCreator;
725 @override
726 String toStringShort() => '${super.toStringShort()}${ owner == null ? " DETACHED" : ""}';
728 @override
729 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
730 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
731 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object>('owner', owner, level: parent != null ? DiagnosticLevel.hidden : DiagnosticLevel.info, defaultValue: null));
732 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Object?>('creator', debugCreator, defaultValue: null, level: DiagnosticLevel.debug));
733 if (_engineLayer != null) {
734 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('engine layer', describeIdentity(_engineLayer)));
735 }
736 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<int>('handles', debugHandleCount));
737 }
740/// A handle to prevent a [Layer]'s platform graphics resources from being
741/// disposed.
743/// [Layer] objects retain native resources such as [EngineLayer]s and [Picture]
744/// objects. These objects may in turn retain large chunks of texture memory,
745/// either directly or indirectly.
747/// The layer's native resources must be retained as long as there is some
748/// object that can add it to a scene. Typically, this is either its
749/// [Layer.parent] or an undisposed [RenderObject] that will append it to a
750/// [ContainerLayer]. Layers automatically hold a handle to their children, and
751/// RenderObjects automatically hold a handle to their [RenderObject.layer] as
752/// well as any [PictureLayer]s that they paint into using the
753/// [PaintingContext.canvas]. A layer automatically releases its resources once
754/// at least one handle has been acquired and all handles have been disposed.
755/// [RenderObject]s that create additional layer objects must manually manage
756/// the handles for that layer similarly to the implementation of
757/// [RenderObject.layer].
759/// A handle is automatically managed for [RenderObject.layer].
761/// If a [RenderObject] creates layers in addition to its [RenderObject.layer]
762/// and it intends to reuse those layers separately from [RenderObject.layer],
763/// it must create a handle to that layer and dispose of it when the layer is
764/// no longer needed. For example, if it re-creates or nulls out an existing
765/// layer in [RenderObject.paint], it should dispose of the handle to the
766/// old layer. It should also dispose of any layer handles it holds in
767/// [RenderObject.dispose].
768class LayerHandle<T extends Layer> {
769 /// Create a new layer handle, optionally referencing a [Layer].
770 LayerHandle([this._layer]) {
771 if (_layer != null) {
772 _layer!._refCount += 1;
773 }
774 }
776 T? _layer;
778 /// The [Layer] whose resources this object keeps alive.
779 ///
780 /// Setting a new value or null will dispose the previously held layer if
781 /// there are no other open handles to that layer.
782 T? get layer => _layer;
784 set layer(T? layer) {
785 assert(
786 layer?.debugDisposed != true,
787 'Attempted to create a handle to an already disposed layer: $layer.',
788 );
789 if (identical(layer, _layer)) {
790 return;
791 }
792 _layer?._unref();
793 _layer = layer;
794 if (_layer != null) {
795 _layer!._refCount += 1;
796 }
797 }
799 @override
800 String toString() => 'LayerHandle(${_layer != null ? _layer.toString() : 'DISPOSED'})';
803/// A composited layer containing a [Picture].
805/// Picture layers are always leaves in the layer tree. They are also
806/// responsible for disposing of the [Picture] object they hold. This is
807/// typically done when their parent and all [RenderObject]s that participated
808/// in painting the picture have been disposed.
809class PictureLayer extends Layer {
810 /// Creates a leaf layer for the layer tree.
811 PictureLayer(this.canvasBounds);
813 /// The bounds that were used for the canvas that drew this layer's [picture].
814 ///
815 /// This is purely advisory. It is included in the information dumped with
816 /// [debugDumpLayerTree] (which can be triggered by pressing "L" when using
817 /// "flutter run" at the console), which can help debug why certain drawing
818 /// commands are being culled.
819 final Rect canvasBounds;
821 /// The picture recorded for this layer.
822 ///
823 /// The picture's coordinate system matches this layer's coordinate system.
824 ///
825 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
826 /// (as described at [Layer]).
827 ui.Picture? get picture => _picture;
828 ui.Picture? _picture;
829 set picture(ui.Picture? picture) {
830 assert(!_debugDisposed);
831 markNeedsAddToScene();
832 _picture?.dispose();
833 _picture = picture;
834 }
836 /// Hints that the painting in this layer is complex and would benefit from
837 /// caching.
838 ///
839 /// If this hint is not set, the compositor will apply its own heuristics to
840 /// decide whether the this layer is complex enough to benefit from caching.
841 ///
842 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
843 /// (as described at [Layer]).
844 bool get isComplexHint => _isComplexHint;
845 bool _isComplexHint = false;
846 set isComplexHint(bool value) {
847 if (value != _isComplexHint) {
848 _isComplexHint = value;
849 markNeedsAddToScene();
850 }
851 }
853 /// Hints that the painting in this layer is likely to change next frame.
854 ///
855 /// This hint tells the compositor not to cache this layer because the cache
856 /// will not be used in the future. If this hint is not set, the compositor
857 /// will apply its own heuristics to decide whether this layer is likely to be
858 /// reused in the future.
859 ///
860 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
861 /// (as described at [Layer]).
862 bool get willChangeHint => _willChangeHint;
863 bool _willChangeHint = false;
864 set willChangeHint(bool value) {
865 if (value != _willChangeHint) {
866 _willChangeHint = value;
867 markNeedsAddToScene();
868 }
869 }
871 @override
872 void dispose() {
873 picture = null; // Will dispose _picture.
874 super.dispose();
875 }
877 @override
878 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
879 assert(picture != null);
880 builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, picture!, isComplexHint: isComplexHint, willChangeHint: willChangeHint);
881 }
883 @override
884 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
885 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
886 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('paint bounds', canvasBounds));
887 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>('picture', describeIdentity(_picture)));
888 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<String>(
889 'raster cache hints',
890 'isComplex = $isComplexHint, willChange = $willChangeHint',
891 ));
892 }
894 @override
895 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
896 return false;
897 }
900/// A composited layer that maps a backend texture to a rectangle.
902/// Backend textures are images that can be applied (mapped) to an area of the
903/// Flutter view. They are created, managed, and updated using a
904/// platform-specific texture registry. This is typically done by a plugin
905/// that integrates with host platform video player, camera, or OpenGL APIs,
906/// or similar image sources.
908/// A texture layer refers to its backend texture using an integer ID. Texture
909/// IDs are obtained from the texture registry and are scoped to the Flutter
910/// view. Texture IDs may be reused after deregistration, at the discretion
911/// of the registry. The use of texture IDs currently unknown to the registry
912/// will silently result in a blank rectangle.
914/// Once inserted into the layer tree, texture layers are repainted autonomously
915/// as dictated by the backend (e.g. on arrival of a video frame). Such
916/// repainting generally does not involve executing Dart code.
918/// Texture layers are always leaves in the layer tree.
920/// See also:
922/// * [TextureRegistry](/javadoc/io/flutter/view/TextureRegistry.html)
923/// for how to create and manage backend textures on Android.
924/// * [TextureRegistry Protocol](/ios-embedder/protocol_flutter_texture_registry-p.html)
925/// for how to create and manage backend textures on iOS.
926class TextureLayer extends Layer {
927 /// Creates a texture layer bounded by [rect] and with backend texture
928 /// identified by [textureId], if [freeze] is true new texture frames will not be
929 /// populated to the texture, and use [filterQuality] to set layer's [FilterQuality].
930 TextureLayer({
931 required this.rect,
932 required this.textureId,
933 this.freeze = false,
934 this.filterQuality = ui.FilterQuality.low,
935 });
937 /// Bounding rectangle of this layer.
938 final Rect rect;
940 /// The identity of the backend texture.
941 final int textureId;
943 /// When true the texture will not be updated with new frames.
944 ///
945 /// This is used for resizing embedded Android views: when resizing there
946 /// is a short period during which the framework cannot tell if the newest
947 /// texture frame has the previous or new size; to work around this, the
948 /// framework "freezes" the texture just before resizing the Android view and
949 /// un-freezes it when it is certain that a frame with the new size is ready.
950 final bool freeze;
952 /// {@macro flutter.widgets.Texture.filterQuality}
953 final ui.FilterQuality filterQuality;
955 @override
956 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
957 builder.addTexture(
958 textureId,
959 offset: rect.topLeft,
960 width: rect.width,
961 height: rect.height,
962 freeze: freeze,
963 filterQuality: filterQuality,
964 );
965 }
967 @override
968 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
969 return false;
970 }
973/// A layer that shows an embedded [UIView](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiview)
974/// on iOS.
975class PlatformViewLayer extends Layer {
976 /// Creates a platform view layer.
977 PlatformViewLayer({
978 required this.rect,
979 required this.viewId,
980 });
982 /// Bounding rectangle of this layer in the global coordinate space.
983 final Rect rect;
985 /// The unique identifier of the UIView displayed on this layer.
986 ///
987 /// A UIView with this identifier must have been created by [PlatformViewsService.initUiKitView].
988 final int viewId;
990 @override
991 bool supportsRasterization() {
992 return false;
993 }
995 @override
996 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
997 builder.addPlatformView(
998 viewId,
999 offset: rect.topLeft,
1000 width: rect.width,
1001 height: rect.height,
1002 );
1003 }
1006/// A layer that indicates to the compositor that it should display
1007/// certain performance statistics within it.
1009/// Performance overlay layers are always leaves in the layer tree.
1010class PerformanceOverlayLayer extends Layer {
1011 /// Creates a layer that displays a performance overlay.
1012 PerformanceOverlayLayer({
1013 required Rect overlayRect,
1014 required this.optionsMask,
1015 required this.rasterizerThreshold,
1016 required this.checkerboardRasterCacheImages,
1017 required this.checkerboardOffscreenLayers,
1018 }) : _overlayRect = overlayRect;
1020 /// The rectangle in this layer's coordinate system that the overlay should occupy.
1021 ///
1022 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1023 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1024 Rect get overlayRect => _overlayRect;
1025 Rect _overlayRect;
1026 set overlayRect(Rect value) {
1027 if (value != _overlayRect) {
1028 _overlayRect = value;
1029 markNeedsAddToScene();
1030 }
1031 }
1033 /// The mask is created by shifting 1 by the index of the specific
1034 /// [PerformanceOverlayOption] to enable.
1035 final int optionsMask;
1037 /// The rasterizer threshold is an integer specifying the number of frame
1038 /// intervals that the rasterizer must miss before it decides that the frame
1039 /// is suitable for capturing an SkPicture trace for further analysis.
1040 final int rasterizerThreshold;
1042 /// Whether the raster cache should checkerboard cached entries.
1043 ///
1044 /// The compositor can sometimes decide to cache certain portions of the
1045 /// widget hierarchy. Such portions typically don't change often from frame to
1046 /// frame and are expensive to render. This can speed up overall rendering. However,
1047 /// there is certain upfront cost to constructing these cache entries. And, if
1048 /// the cache entries are not used very often, this cost may not be worth the
1049 /// speedup in rendering of subsequent frames. If the developer wants to be certain
1050 /// that populating the raster cache is not causing stutters, this option can be
1051 /// set. Depending on the observations made, hints can be provided to the compositor
1052 /// that aid it in making better decisions about caching.
1053 final bool checkerboardRasterCacheImages;
1055 /// Whether the compositor should checkerboard layers that are rendered to offscreen
1056 /// bitmaps. This can be useful for debugging rendering performance.
1057 ///
1058 /// Render target switches are caused by using opacity layers (via a [FadeTransition] or
1059 /// [Opacity] widget), clips, shader mask layers, etc. Selecting a new render target
1060 /// and merging it with the rest of the scene has a performance cost. This can sometimes
1061 /// be avoided by using equivalent widgets that do not require these layers (for example,
1062 /// replacing an [Opacity] widget with an [widgets.Image] using a [BlendMode]).
1063 final bool checkerboardOffscreenLayers;
1065 @override
1066 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1067 builder.addPerformanceOverlay(optionsMask, overlayRect);
1068 builder.setRasterizerTracingThreshold(rasterizerThreshold);
1069 builder.setCheckerboardRasterCacheImages(checkerboardRasterCacheImages);
1070 builder.setCheckerboardOffscreenLayers(checkerboardOffscreenLayers);
1071 }
1073 @override
1074 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1075 return false;
1076 }
1079/// The signature of the callback added in [Layer.addCompositionCallback].
1080typedef CompositionCallback = void Function(Layer layer);
1082/// A composited layer that has a list of children.
1084/// A [ContainerLayer] instance merely takes a list of children and inserts them
1085/// into the composited rendering in order. There are subclasses of
1086/// [ContainerLayer] which apply more elaborate effects in the process.
1087class ContainerLayer extends Layer {
1088 @override
1089 void _fireCompositionCallbacks({required bool includeChildren}) {
1090 super._fireCompositionCallbacks(includeChildren: includeChildren);
1091 if (!includeChildren) {
1092 return;
1093 }
1094 Layer? child = firstChild;
1095 while (child != null) {
1096 child._fireCompositionCallbacks(includeChildren: includeChildren);
1097 child = child.nextSibling;
1098 }
1099 }
1101 /// The first composited layer in this layer's child list.
1102 Layer? get firstChild => _firstChild;
1103 Layer? _firstChild;
1105 /// The last composited layer in this layer's child list.
1106 Layer? get lastChild => _lastChild;
1107 Layer? _lastChild;
1109 /// Returns whether this layer has at least one child layer.
1110 bool get hasChildren => _firstChild != null;
1112 @override
1113 bool supportsRasterization() {
1114 for (Layer? child = lastChild; child != null; child = child.previousSibling) {
1115 if (!child.supportsRasterization()) {
1116 return false;
1117 }
1118 }
1119 return true;
1120 }
1122 /// Consider this layer as the root and build a scene (a tree of layers)
1123 /// in the engine.
1124 // The reason this method is in the `ContainerLayer` class rather than
1125 // `PipelineOwner` or other singleton level is because this method can be used
1126 // both to render the whole layer tree (e.g. a normal application frame) and
1127 // to render a subtree (e.g. `OffsetLayer.toImage`).
1128 ui.Scene buildScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1129 updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene();
1130 addToScene(builder);
1131 if (subtreeHasCompositionCallbacks) {
1132 _fireCompositionCallbacks(includeChildren: true);
1133 }
1134 // Clearing the flag _after_ calling `addToScene`, not _before_. This is
1135 // because `addToScene` calls children's `addToScene` methods, which may
1136 // mark this layer as dirty.
1137 _needsAddToScene = false;
1138 final ui.Scene scene = builder.build();
1139 return scene;
1140 }
1142 bool _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer? equals }) {
1143 assert(child.attached == attached);
1144 while (child.previousSibling != null) {
1145 assert(child.previousSibling != child);
1146 child = child.previousSibling!;
1147 assert(child.attached == attached);
1148 }
1149 return child == equals;
1150 }
1152 bool _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(Layer child, { Layer? equals }) {
1153 assert(child.attached == attached);
1154 while (child._nextSibling != null) {
1155 assert(child._nextSibling != child);
1156 child = child._nextSibling!;
1157 assert(child.attached == attached);
1158 }
1159 return child == equals;
1160 }
1162 @override
1163 void dispose() {
1164 removeAllChildren();
1165 _callbacks.clear();
1166 super.dispose();
1167 }
1169 @override
1170 void updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene() {
1171 super.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene();
1172 Layer? child = firstChild;
1173 while (child != null) {
1174 child.updateSubtreeNeedsAddToScene();
1175 _needsAddToScene = _needsAddToScene || child._needsAddToScene;
1176 child = child.nextSibling;
1177 }
1178 }
1180 @override
1181 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1182 for (Layer? child = lastChild; child != null; child = child.previousSibling) {
1183 final bool isAbsorbed = child.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
1184 if (isAbsorbed) {
1185 return true;
1186 }
1187 if (onlyFirst && result.entries.isNotEmpty) {
1188 return isAbsorbed;
1189 }
1190 }
1191 return false;
1192 }
1194 @override
1195 void attach(Object owner) {
1196 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1197 super.attach(owner);
1198 Layer? child = firstChild;
1199 while (child != null) {
1200 child.attach(owner);
1201 child = child.nextSibling;
1202 }
1203 }
1205 @override
1206 void detach() {
1207 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1208 super.detach();
1209 Layer? child = firstChild;
1210 while (child != null) {
1211 child.detach();
1212 child = child.nextSibling;
1213 }
1214 // Detach indicates that we may never be composited again. Clients
1215 // interested in observing composition need to get an update here because
1216 // they might otherwise never get another one even though the layer is no
1217 // longer visible.
1218 //
1219 // Children fired them already in child.detach().
1220 _fireCompositionCallbacks(includeChildren: false);
1221 }
1223 /// Adds the given layer to the end of this layer's child list.
1224 void append(Layer child) {
1225 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1226 assert(child != this);
1227 assert(child != firstChild);
1228 assert(child != lastChild);
1229 assert(child.parent == null);
1230 assert(!child.attached);
1231 assert(child.nextSibling == null);
1232 assert(child.previousSibling == null);
1233 assert(child._parentHandle.layer == null);
1234 assert(() {
1235 Layer node = this;
1236 while (node.parent != null) {
1237 node = node.parent!;
1238 }
1239 assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle
1240 return true;
1241 }());
1242 _adoptChild(child);
1243 child._previousSibling = lastChild;
1244 if (lastChild != null) {
1245 lastChild!._nextSibling = child;
1246 }
1247 _lastChild = child;
1248 _firstChild ??= child;
1249 child._parentHandle.layer = child;
1250 assert(child.attached == attached);
1251 }
1253 void _adoptChild(Layer child) {
1254 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1255 if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
1256 markNeedsAddToScene();
1257 }
1258 if (child._compositionCallbackCount != 0) {
1259 _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(child._compositionCallbackCount);
1260 }
1261 assert(child._parent == null);
1262 assert(() {
1263 Layer node = this;
1264 while (node.parent != null) {
1265 node = node.parent!;
1266 }
1267 assert(node != child); // indicates we are about to create a cycle
1268 return true;
1269 }());
1270 child._parent = this;
1271 if (attached) {
1272 child.attach(_owner!);
1273 }
1274 redepthChild(child);
1275 }
1277 @override
1278 void redepthChildren() {
1279 Layer? child = firstChild;
1280 while (child != null) {
1281 redepthChild(child);
1282 child = child.nextSibling;
1283 }
1284 }
1286 /// Adjust the [depth] of the given [child] to be greater than this node's own
1287 /// [depth].
1288 ///
1289 /// Only call this method from overrides of [redepthChildren].
1290 @protected
1291 void redepthChild(Layer child) {
1292 assert(child.owner == owner);
1293 if (child._depth <= _depth) {
1294 child._depth = _depth + 1;
1295 child.redepthChildren();
1296 }
1297 }
1299 // Implementation of [Layer.remove].
1300 void _removeChild(Layer child) {
1301 assert(child.parent == this);
1302 assert(child.attached == attached);
1303 assert(_debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(child, equals: firstChild));
1304 assert(_debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(child, equals: lastChild));
1305 assert(child._parentHandle.layer != null);
1306 if (child._previousSibling == null) {
1307 assert(_firstChild == child);
1308 _firstChild = child._nextSibling;
1309 } else {
1310 child._previousSibling!._nextSibling = child.nextSibling;
1311 }
1312 if (child._nextSibling == null) {
1313 assert(lastChild == child);
1314 _lastChild = child.previousSibling;
1315 } else {
1316 child.nextSibling!._previousSibling = child.previousSibling;
1317 }
1318 assert((firstChild == null) == (lastChild == null));
1319 assert(firstChild == null || firstChild!.attached == attached);
1320 assert(lastChild == null || lastChild!.attached == attached);
1321 assert(firstChild == null || _debugUltimateNextSiblingOf(firstChild!, equals: lastChild));
1322 assert(lastChild == null || _debugUltimatePreviousSiblingOf(lastChild!, equals: firstChild));
1323 child._previousSibling = null;
1324 child._nextSibling = null;
1325 _dropChild(child);
1326 child._parentHandle.layer = null;
1327 assert(!child.attached);
1328 }
1330 void _dropChild(Layer child) {
1331 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1332 if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
1333 markNeedsAddToScene();
1334 }
1335 if (child._compositionCallbackCount != 0) {
1336 _updateSubtreeCompositionObserverCount(-child._compositionCallbackCount);
1337 }
1338 assert(child._parent == this);
1339 assert(child.attached == attached);
1340 child._parent = null;
1341 if (attached) {
1342 child.detach();
1343 }
1344 }
1346 /// Removes all of this layer's children from its child list.
1347 void removeAllChildren() {
1348 assert(!_debugMutationsLocked);
1349 Layer? child = firstChild;
1350 while (child != null) {
1351 final Layer? next = child.nextSibling;
1352 child._previousSibling = null;
1353 child._nextSibling = null;
1354 assert(child.attached == attached);
1355 _dropChild(child);
1356 child._parentHandle.layer = null;
1357 child = next;
1358 }
1359 _firstChild = null;
1360 _lastChild = null;
1361 }
1363 @override
1364 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1365 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1366 }
1368 /// Uploads all of this layer's children to the engine.
1369 ///
1370 /// This method is typically used by [addToScene] to insert the children into
1371 /// the scene. Subclasses of [ContainerLayer] typically override [addToScene]
1372 /// to apply effects to the scene using the [SceneBuilder] API, then insert
1373 /// their children using [addChildrenToScene], then reverse the aforementioned
1374 /// effects before returning from [addToScene].
1375 void addChildrenToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1376 Layer? child = firstChild;
1377 while (child != null) {
1378 child._addToSceneWithRetainedRendering(builder);
1379 child = child.nextSibling;
1380 }
1381 }
1383 /// Applies the transform that would be applied when compositing the given
1384 /// child to the given matrix.
1385 ///
1386 /// Specifically, this should apply the transform that is applied to child's
1387 /// _origin_. When using [applyTransform] with a chain of layers, results will
1388 /// be unreliable unless the deepest layer in the chain collapses the
1389 /// `layerOffset` in [addToScene] to zero, meaning that it passes
1390 /// [Offset.zero] to its children, and bakes any incoming `layerOffset` into
1391 /// the [SceneBuilder] as (for instance) a transform (which is then also
1392 /// included in the transformation applied by [applyTransform]).
1393 ///
1394 /// For example, if [addToScene] applies the `layerOffset` and then
1395 /// passes [Offset.zero] to the children, then it should be included in the
1396 /// transform applied here, whereas if [addToScene] just passes the
1397 /// `layerOffset` to the child, then it should not be included in the
1398 /// transform applied here.
1399 ///
1400 /// This method is only valid immediately after [addToScene] has been called,
1401 /// before any of the properties have been changed.
1402 ///
1403 /// The default implementation does nothing, since [ContainerLayer], by
1404 /// default, composites its children at the origin of the [ContainerLayer]
1405 /// itself.
1406 ///
1407 /// The `child` argument should generally not be null, since in principle a
1408 /// layer could transform each child independently. However, certain layers
1409 /// may explicitly allow null as a value, for example if they know that they
1410 /// transform all their children identically.
1411 ///
1412 /// Used by [FollowerLayer] to transform its child to a [LeaderLayer]'s
1413 /// position.
1414 void applyTransform(Layer? child, Matrix4 transform) {
1415 assert(child != null);
1416 }
1418 /// Returns the descendants of this layer in depth first order.
1419 @visibleForTesting
1420 List<Layer> depthFirstIterateChildren() {
1421 if (firstChild == null) {
1422 return <Layer>[];
1423 }
1424 final List<Layer> children = <Layer>[];
1425 Layer? child = firstChild;
1426 while (child != null) {
1427 children.add(child);
1428 if (child is ContainerLayer) {
1429 children.addAll(child.depthFirstIterateChildren());
1430 }
1431 child = child.nextSibling;
1432 }
1433 return children;
1434 }
1436 @override
1437 List<DiagnosticsNode> debugDescribeChildren() {
1438 final List<DiagnosticsNode> children = <DiagnosticsNode>[];
1439 if (firstChild == null) {
1440 return children;
1441 }
1442 Layer? child = firstChild;
1443 int count = 1;
1444 while (true) {
1445 children.add(child!.toDiagnosticsNode(name: 'child $count'));
1446 if (child == lastChild) {
1447 break;
1448 }
1449 count += 1;
1450 child = child.nextSibling;
1451 }
1452 return children;
1453 }
1456/// A layer that is displayed at an offset from its parent layer.
1458/// Offset layers are key to efficient repainting because they are created by
1459/// repaint boundaries in the [RenderObject] tree (see
1460/// [RenderObject.isRepaintBoundary]). When a render object that is a repaint
1461/// boundary is asked to paint at given offset in a [PaintingContext], the
1462/// render object first checks whether it needs to repaint itself. If not, it
1463/// reuses its existing [OffsetLayer] (and its entire subtree) by mutating its
1464/// [offset] property, cutting off the paint walk.
1465class OffsetLayer extends ContainerLayer {
1466 /// Creates an offset layer.
1467 ///
1468 /// By default, [offset] is zero. It must be non-null before the compositing
1469 /// phase of the pipeline.
1470 OffsetLayer({ Offset offset = Offset.zero }) : _offset = offset;
1472 /// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system.
1473 ///
1474 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1475 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1476 ///
1477 /// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
1478 /// pipeline.
1479 Offset get offset => _offset;
1480 Offset _offset;
1481 set offset(Offset value) {
1482 if (value != _offset) {
1483 markNeedsAddToScene();
1484 }
1485 _offset = value;
1486 }
1488 @override
1489 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1490 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition - offset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
1491 }
1493 @override
1494 void applyTransform(Layer? child, Matrix4 transform) {
1495 assert(child != null);
1496 transform.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
1497 }
1499 @override
1500 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1501 // Skia has a fast path for concatenating scale/translation only matrices.
1502 // Hence pushing a translation-only transform layer should be fast. For
1503 // retained rendering, we don't want to push the offset down to each leaf
1504 // node. Otherwise, changing an offset layer on the very high level could
1505 // cascade the change to too many leaves.
1506 engineLayer = builder.pushOffset(
1507 offset.dx,
1508 offset.dy,
1509 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.OffsetEngineLayer?,
1510 );
1511 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1512 builder.pop();
1513 }
1515 @override
1516 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1517 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1518 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset));
1519 }
1521 ui.Scene _createSceneForImage(Rect bounds, { double pixelRatio = 1.0 }) {
1522 final ui.SceneBuilder builder = ui.SceneBuilder();
1523 final Matrix4 transform = Matrix4.diagonal3Values(pixelRatio, pixelRatio, 1);
1524 transform.translate(-(bounds.left + offset.dx), -(bounds.top + offset.dy));
1525 builder.pushTransform(transform.storage);
1526 return buildScene(builder);
1527 }
1529 /// Capture an image of the current state of this layer and its children.
1530 ///
1531 /// The returned [ui.Image] has uncompressed raw RGBA bytes, will be offset
1532 /// by the top-left corner of [bounds], and have dimensions equal to the size
1533 /// of [bounds] multiplied by [pixelRatio].
1534 ///
1535 /// The [pixelRatio] describes the scale between the logical pixels and the
1536 /// size of the output image. It is independent of the
1537 /// [dart:ui.FlutterView.devicePixelRatio] for the device, so specifying 1.0
1538 /// (the default) will give you a 1:1 mapping between logical pixels and the
1539 /// output pixels in the image.
1540 ///
1541 /// This API functions like [toImageSync], except that it only returns after
1542 /// rasterization is complete.
1543 ///
1544 /// See also:
1545 ///
1546 /// * [RenderRepaintBoundary.toImage] for a similar API at the render object level.
1547 /// * [dart:ui.Scene.toImage] for more information about the image returned.
1548 Future<ui.Image> toImage(Rect bounds, { double pixelRatio = 1.0 }) async {
1549 final ui.Scene scene = _createSceneForImage(bounds, pixelRatio: pixelRatio);
1551 try {
1552 // Size is rounded up to the next pixel to make sure we don't clip off
1553 // anything.
1554 return await scene.toImage(
1555 (pixelRatio * bounds.width).ceil(),
1556 (pixelRatio * bounds.height).ceil(),
1557 );
1558 } finally {
1559 scene.dispose();
1560 }
1561 }
1563 /// Capture an image of the current state of this layer and its children.
1564 ///
1565 /// The returned [ui.Image] has uncompressed raw RGBA bytes, will be offset
1566 /// by the top-left corner of [bounds], and have dimensions equal to the size
1567 /// of [bounds] multiplied by [pixelRatio].
1568 ///
1569 /// The [pixelRatio] describes the scale between the logical pixels and the
1570 /// size of the output image. It is independent of the
1571 /// [dart:ui.FlutterView.devicePixelRatio] for the device, so specifying 1.0
1572 /// (the default) will give you a 1:1 mapping between logical pixels and the
1573 /// output pixels in the image.
1574 ///
1575 /// This API functions like [toImage], except that rasterization begins eagerly
1576 /// on the raster thread and the image is returned before this is completed.
1577 ///
1578 /// See also:
1579 ///
1580 /// * [RenderRepaintBoundary.toImage] for a similar API at the render object level.
1581 /// * [dart:ui.Scene.toImage] for more information about the image returned.
1582 ui.Image toImageSync(Rect bounds, { double pixelRatio = 1.0 }) {
1583 final ui.Scene scene = _createSceneForImage(bounds, pixelRatio: pixelRatio);
1585 try {
1586 // Size is rounded up to the next pixel to make sure we don't clip off
1587 // anything.
1588 return scene.toImageSync(
1589 (pixelRatio * bounds.width).ceil(),
1590 (pixelRatio * bounds.height).ceil(),
1591 );
1592 } finally {
1593 scene.dispose();
1594 }
1595 }
1598/// A composite layer that clips its children using a rectangle.
1600/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
1601/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
1602/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
1603class ClipRectLayer extends ContainerLayer {
1604 /// Creates a layer with a rectangular clip.
1605 ///
1606 /// The [clipRect] argument must not be null before the compositing phase of
1607 /// the pipeline.
1608 ///
1609 /// The [clipBehavior] argument must not be [Clip.none].
1610 ClipRectLayer({
1611 Rect? clipRect,
1612 Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge,
1613 }) : _clipRect = clipRect,
1614 _clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
1615 assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
1617 /// The rectangle to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
1618 ///
1619 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1620 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1621 Rect? get clipRect => _clipRect;
1622 Rect? _clipRect;
1623 set clipRect(Rect? value) {
1624 if (value != _clipRect) {
1625 _clipRect = value;
1626 markNeedsAddToScene();
1627 }
1628 }
1630 @override
1631 Rect? describeClipBounds() => clipRect;
1633 /// {@template flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
1634 /// Controls how to clip.
1635 ///
1636 /// Must not be set to null or [Clip.none].
1637 /// {@endtemplate}
1638 ///
1639 /// Defaults to [Clip.hardEdge].
1640 Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
1641 Clip _clipBehavior;
1642 set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
1643 assert(value != Clip.none);
1644 if (value != _clipBehavior) {
1645 _clipBehavior = value;
1646 markNeedsAddToScene();
1647 }
1648 }
1650 @override
1651 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1652 if (!clipRect!.contains(localPosition)) {
1653 return false;
1654 }
1655 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
1656 }
1658 @override
1659 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1660 assert(clipRect != null);
1661 bool enabled = true;
1662 assert(() {
1663 enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
1664 return true;
1665 }());
1666 if (enabled) {
1667 engineLayer = builder.pushClipRect(
1668 clipRect!,
1669 clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
1670 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipRectEngineLayer?,
1671 );
1672 } else {
1673 engineLayer = null;
1674 }
1675 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1676 if (enabled) {
1677 builder.pop();
1678 }
1679 }
1681 @override
1682 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1683 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1684 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('clipRect', clipRect));
1685 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
1686 }
1689/// A composite layer that clips its children using a rounded rectangle.
1691/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
1692/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
1693/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
1694class ClipRRectLayer extends ContainerLayer {
1695 /// Creates a layer with a rounded-rectangular clip.
1696 ///
1697 /// The [clipRRect] and [clipBehavior] properties must be non-null before the
1698 /// compositing phase of the pipeline.
1699 ClipRRectLayer({
1700 RRect? clipRRect,
1701 Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
1702 }) : _clipRRect = clipRRect,
1703 _clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
1704 assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
1706 /// The rounded-rect to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
1707 ///
1708 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1709 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1710 RRect? get clipRRect => _clipRRect;
1711 RRect? _clipRRect;
1712 set clipRRect(RRect? value) {
1713 if (value != _clipRRect) {
1714 _clipRRect = value;
1715 markNeedsAddToScene();
1716 }
1717 }
1719 @override
1720 Rect? describeClipBounds() => clipRRect?.outerRect;
1722 /// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
1723 ///
1724 /// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
1725 Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
1726 Clip _clipBehavior;
1727 set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
1728 assert(value != Clip.none);
1729 if (value != _clipBehavior) {
1730 _clipBehavior = value;
1731 markNeedsAddToScene();
1732 }
1733 }
1735 @override
1736 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1737 if (!clipRRect!.contains(localPosition)) {
1738 return false;
1739 }
1740 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
1741 }
1743 @override
1744 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1745 assert(clipRRect != null);
1746 bool enabled = true;
1747 assert(() {
1748 enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
1749 return true;
1750 }());
1751 if (enabled) {
1752 engineLayer = builder.pushClipRRect(
1753 clipRRect!,
1754 clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
1755 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipRRectEngineLayer?,
1756 );
1757 } else {
1758 engineLayer = null;
1759 }
1760 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1761 if (enabled) {
1762 builder.pop();
1763 }
1764 }
1766 @override
1767 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1768 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1769 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<RRect>('clipRRect', clipRRect));
1770 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
1771 }
1774/// A composite layer that clips its children using a path.
1776/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableClipLayers] to true will cause this
1777/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
1778/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
1779class ClipPathLayer extends ContainerLayer {
1780 /// Creates a layer with a path-based clip.
1781 ///
1782 /// The [clipPath] and [clipBehavior] properties must be non-null before the
1783 /// compositing phase of the pipeline.
1784 ClipPathLayer({
1785 Path? clipPath,
1786 Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias,
1787 }) : _clipPath = clipPath,
1788 _clipBehavior = clipBehavior,
1789 assert(clipBehavior != Clip.none);
1791 /// The path to clip in the parent's coordinate system.
1792 ///
1793 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1794 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1795 Path? get clipPath => _clipPath;
1796 Path? _clipPath;
1797 set clipPath(Path? value) {
1798 if (value != _clipPath) {
1799 _clipPath = value;
1800 markNeedsAddToScene();
1801 }
1802 }
1804 @override
1805 Rect? describeClipBounds() => clipPath?.getBounds();
1807 /// {@macro flutter.rendering.ClipRectLayer.clipBehavior}
1808 ///
1809 /// Defaults to [Clip.antiAlias].
1810 Clip get clipBehavior => _clipBehavior;
1811 Clip _clipBehavior;
1812 set clipBehavior(Clip value) {
1813 assert(value != Clip.none);
1814 if (value != _clipBehavior) {
1815 _clipBehavior = value;
1816 markNeedsAddToScene();
1817 }
1818 }
1820 @override
1821 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
1822 if (!clipPath!.contains(localPosition)) {
1823 return false;
1824 }
1825 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
1826 }
1828 @override
1829 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1830 assert(clipPath != null);
1831 bool enabled = true;
1832 assert(() {
1833 enabled = !debugDisableClipLayers;
1834 return true;
1835 }());
1836 if (enabled) {
1837 engineLayer = builder.pushClipPath(
1838 clipPath!,
1839 clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
1840 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ClipPathEngineLayer?,
1841 );
1842 } else {
1843 engineLayer = null;
1844 }
1845 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1846 if (enabled) {
1847 builder.pop();
1848 }
1849 }
1851 @override
1852 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1853 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1854 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Clip>('clipBehavior', clipBehavior));
1855 }
1858/// A composite layer that applies a [ColorFilter] to its children.
1859class ColorFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer {
1860 /// Creates a layer that applies a [ColorFilter] to its children.
1861 ///
1862 /// The [colorFilter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
1863 /// of the pipeline.
1864 ColorFilterLayer({
1865 ColorFilter? colorFilter,
1866 }) : _colorFilter = colorFilter;
1868 /// The color filter to apply to children.
1869 ///
1870 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1871 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1872 ColorFilter? get colorFilter => _colorFilter;
1873 ColorFilter? _colorFilter;
1874 set colorFilter(ColorFilter? value) {
1875 assert(value != null);
1876 if (value != _colorFilter) {
1877 _colorFilter = value;
1878 markNeedsAddToScene();
1879 }
1880 }
1882 @override
1883 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1884 assert(colorFilter != null);
1885 engineLayer = builder.pushColorFilter(
1886 colorFilter!,
1887 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ColorFilterEngineLayer?,
1888 );
1889 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1890 builder.pop();
1891 }
1893 @override
1894 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1895 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1896 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ColorFilter>('colorFilter', colorFilter));
1897 }
1900/// A composite layer that applies an [ImageFilter] to its children.
1901class ImageFilterLayer extends OffsetLayer {
1902 /// Creates a layer that applies an [ImageFilter] to its children.
1903 ///
1904 /// The [imageFilter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
1905 /// of the pipeline.
1906 ImageFilterLayer({
1907 ui.ImageFilter? imageFilter,
1908 super.offset,
1909 }) : _imageFilter = imageFilter;
1911 /// The image filter to apply to children.
1912 ///
1913 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1914 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1915 ui.ImageFilter? get imageFilter => _imageFilter;
1916 ui.ImageFilter? _imageFilter;
1917 set imageFilter(ui.ImageFilter? value) {
1918 assert(value != null);
1919 if (value != _imageFilter) {
1920 _imageFilter = value;
1921 markNeedsAddToScene();
1922 }
1923 }
1925 @override
1926 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1927 assert(imageFilter != null);
1928 engineLayer = builder.pushImageFilter(
1929 imageFilter!,
1930 offset: offset,
1931 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ImageFilterEngineLayer?,
1932 );
1933 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1934 builder.pop();
1935 }
1937 @override
1938 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
1939 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
1940 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ui.ImageFilter>('imageFilter', imageFilter));
1941 }
1944/// A composited layer that applies a given transformation matrix to its
1945/// children.
1947/// This class inherits from [OffsetLayer] to make it one of the layers that
1948/// can be used at the root of a [RenderObject] hierarchy.
1949class TransformLayer extends OffsetLayer {
1950 /// Creates a transform layer.
1951 ///
1952 /// The [transform] and [offset] properties must be non-null before the
1953 /// compositing phase of the pipeline.
1954 TransformLayer({ Matrix4? transform, super.offset })
1955 : _transform = transform;
1957 /// The matrix to apply.
1958 ///
1959 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
1960 /// (as described at [Layer]).
1961 ///
1962 /// This transform is applied before [offset], if both are set.
1963 ///
1964 /// The [transform] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of
1965 /// the pipeline.
1966 Matrix4? get transform => _transform;
1967 Matrix4? _transform;
1968 set transform(Matrix4? value) {
1969 assert(value != null);
1970 assert(value!.storage.every((double component) => component.isFinite));
1971 if (value == _transform) {
1972 return;
1973 }
1974 _transform = value;
1975 _inverseDirty = true;
1976 markNeedsAddToScene();
1977 }
1979 Matrix4? _lastEffectiveTransform;
1980 Matrix4? _invertedTransform;
1981 bool _inverseDirty = true;
1983 @override
1984 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
1985 assert(transform != null);
1986 _lastEffectiveTransform = transform;
1987 if (offset != Offset.zero) {
1988 _lastEffectiveTransform = Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0)
1989 ..multiply(_lastEffectiveTransform!);
1990 }
1991 engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(
1992 _lastEffectiveTransform!.storage,
1993 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer?,
1994 );
1995 addChildrenToScene(builder);
1996 builder.pop();
1997 }
1999 Offset? _transformOffset(Offset localPosition) {
2000 if (_inverseDirty) {
2001 _invertedTransform = Matrix4.tryInvert(
2002 PointerEvent.removePerspectiveTransform(transform!),
2003 );
2004 _inverseDirty = false;
2005 }
2006 if (_invertedTransform == null) {
2007 return null;
2008 }
2010 return MatrixUtils.transformPoint(_invertedTransform!, localPosition);
2011 }
2013 @override
2014 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
2015 final Offset? transformedOffset = _transformOffset(localPosition);
2016 if (transformedOffset == null) {
2017 return false;
2018 }
2019 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, transformedOffset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
2020 }
2022 @override
2023 void applyTransform(Layer? child, Matrix4 transform) {
2024 assert(child != null);
2025 assert(_lastEffectiveTransform != null || this.transform != null);
2026 if (_lastEffectiveTransform == null) {
2027 transform.multiply(this.transform!);
2028 } else {
2029 transform.multiply(_lastEffectiveTransform!);
2030 }
2031 }
2033 @override
2034 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2035 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2036 properties.add(TransformProperty('transform', transform));
2037 }
2040/// A composited layer that makes its children partially transparent.
2042/// When debugging, setting [debugDisableOpacityLayers] to true will cause this
2043/// layer to be skipped (directly replaced by its children). This can be helpful
2044/// to track down the cause of performance problems.
2046/// Try to avoid an [OpacityLayer] with no children. Remove that layer if
2047/// possible to save some tree walks.
2048class OpacityLayer extends OffsetLayer {
2049 /// Creates an opacity layer.
2050 ///
2051 /// The [alpha] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of
2052 /// the pipeline.
2053 OpacityLayer({
2054 int? alpha,
2055 super.offset,
2056 }) : _alpha = alpha;
2058 /// The amount to multiply into the alpha channel.
2059 ///
2060 /// The opacity is expressed as an integer from 0 to 255, where 0 is fully
2061 /// transparent and 255 is fully opaque.
2062 ///
2063 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2064 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2065 int? get alpha => _alpha;
2066 int? _alpha;
2067 set alpha(int? value) {
2068 assert(value != null);
2069 if (value != _alpha) {
2070 if (value == 255 || _alpha == 255) {
2071 engineLayer = null;
2072 }
2073 _alpha = value;
2074 markNeedsAddToScene();
2075 }
2076 }
2078 @override
2079 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
2080 assert(alpha != null);
2082 // Don't add this layer if there's no child.
2083 bool enabled = firstChild != null;
2084 if (!enabled) {
2085 // Ensure the engineLayer is disposed.
2086 engineLayer = null;
2087 // TODO(dnfield): Remove this if/when we can fix https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/90004
2088 return;
2089 }
2091 assert(() {
2092 enabled = enabled && !debugDisableOpacityLayers;
2093 return true;
2094 }());
2096 final int realizedAlpha = alpha!;
2097 // The type assertions work because the [alpha] setter nulls out the
2098 // engineLayer if it would have changed type (i.e. changed to or from 255).
2099 if (enabled && realizedAlpha < 255) {
2100 assert(_engineLayer is ui.OpacityEngineLayer?);
2101 engineLayer = builder.pushOpacity(
2102 realizedAlpha,
2103 offset: offset,
2104 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.OpacityEngineLayer?,
2105 );
2106 } else {
2107 assert(_engineLayer is ui.OffsetEngineLayer?);
2108 engineLayer = builder.pushOffset(
2109 offset.dx,
2110 offset.dy,
2111 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.OffsetEngineLayer?,
2112 );
2113 }
2114 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2115 builder.pop();
2116 }
2118 @override
2119 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2120 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2121 properties.add(IntProperty('alpha', alpha));
2122 }
2125/// A composited layer that applies a shader to its children.
2127/// The shader is only applied inside the given [maskRect]. The shader itself
2128/// uses the top left of the [maskRect] as its origin.
2130/// The [maskRect] does not affect the positions of any child layers.
2131class ShaderMaskLayer extends ContainerLayer {
2132 /// Creates a shader mask layer.
2133 ///
2134 /// The [shader], [maskRect], and [blendMode] properties must be non-null
2135 /// before the compositing phase of the pipeline.
2136 ShaderMaskLayer({
2137 Shader? shader,
2138 Rect? maskRect,
2139 BlendMode? blendMode,
2140 }) : _shader = shader,
2141 _maskRect = maskRect,
2142 _blendMode = blendMode;
2144 /// The shader to apply to the children.
2145 ///
2146 /// The origin of the shader (e.g. of the coordinate system used by the `from`
2147 /// and `to` arguments to [ui.Gradient.linear]) is at the top left of the
2148 /// [maskRect].
2149 ///
2150 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2151 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2152 ///
2153 /// See also:
2154 ///
2155 /// * [ui.Gradient] and [ui.ImageShader], two shader types that can be used.
2156 Shader? get shader => _shader;
2157 Shader? _shader;
2158 set shader(Shader? value) {
2159 if (value != _shader) {
2160 _shader = value;
2161 markNeedsAddToScene();
2162 }
2163 }
2165 /// The position and size of the shader.
2166 ///
2167 /// The [shader] is only rendered inside this rectangle, using the top left of
2168 /// the rectangle as its origin.
2169 ///
2170 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2171 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2172 Rect? get maskRect => _maskRect;
2173 Rect? _maskRect;
2174 set maskRect(Rect? value) {
2175 if (value != _maskRect) {
2176 _maskRect = value;
2177 markNeedsAddToScene();
2178 }
2179 }
2181 /// The blend mode to apply when blending the shader with the children.
2182 ///
2183 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2184 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2185 BlendMode? get blendMode => _blendMode;
2186 BlendMode? _blendMode;
2187 set blendMode(BlendMode? value) {
2188 if (value != _blendMode) {
2189 _blendMode = value;
2190 markNeedsAddToScene();
2191 }
2192 }
2194 @override
2195 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
2196 assert(shader != null);
2197 assert(maskRect != null);
2198 assert(blendMode != null);
2199 engineLayer = builder.pushShaderMask(
2200 shader!,
2201 maskRect! ,
2202 blendMode!,
2203 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.ShaderMaskEngineLayer?,
2204 );
2205 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2206 builder.pop();
2207 }
2209 @override
2210 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2211 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2212 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Shader>('shader', shader));
2213 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Rect>('maskRect', maskRect));
2214 properties.add(EnumProperty<BlendMode>('blendMode', blendMode));
2215 }
2218/// A composited layer that applies a filter to the existing contents of the scene.
2219class BackdropFilterLayer extends ContainerLayer {
2220 /// Creates a backdrop filter layer.
2221 ///
2222 /// The [filter] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
2223 /// pipeline.
2224 ///
2225 /// The [blendMode] property defaults to [BlendMode.srcOver].
2226 BackdropFilterLayer({
2227 ui.ImageFilter? filter,
2228 BlendMode blendMode = BlendMode.srcOver,
2229 }) : _filter = filter,
2230 _blendMode = blendMode;
2232 /// The filter to apply to the existing contents of the scene.
2233 ///
2234 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2235 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2236 ui.ImageFilter? get filter => _filter;
2237 ui.ImageFilter? _filter;
2238 set filter(ui.ImageFilter? value) {
2239 if (value != _filter) {
2240 _filter = value;
2241 markNeedsAddToScene();
2242 }
2243 }
2245 /// The blend mode to use to apply the filtered background content onto the background
2246 /// surface.
2247 ///
2248 /// The default value of this property is [BlendMode.srcOver].
2249 /// {@macro flutter.widgets.BackdropFilter.blendMode}
2250 ///
2251 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2252 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2253 BlendMode get blendMode => _blendMode;
2254 BlendMode _blendMode;
2255 set blendMode(BlendMode value) {
2256 if (value != _blendMode) {
2257 _blendMode = value;
2258 markNeedsAddToScene();
2259 }
2260 }
2262 @override
2263 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
2264 assert(filter != null);
2265 engineLayer = builder.pushBackdropFilter(
2266 filter!,
2267 blendMode: blendMode,
2268 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.BackdropFilterEngineLayer?,
2269 );
2270 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2271 builder.pop();
2272 }
2274 @override
2275 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2276 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2277 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<ui.ImageFilter>('filter', filter));
2278 properties.add(EnumProperty<BlendMode>('blendMode', blendMode));
2279 }
2282/// An object that a [LeaderLayer] can register with.
2284/// An instance of this class should be provided as the [LeaderLayer.link] and
2285/// the [FollowerLayer.link] properties to cause the [FollowerLayer] to follow
2286/// the [LeaderLayer].
2288/// See also:
2290/// * [CompositedTransformTarget], the widget that creates a [LeaderLayer].
2291/// * [CompositedTransformFollower], the widget that creates a [FollowerLayer].
2292/// * [RenderLeaderLayer] and [RenderFollowerLayer], the corresponding
2293/// render objects.
2294class LayerLink {
2295 /// The [LeaderLayer] connected to this link.
2296 LeaderLayer? get leader => _leader;
2297 LeaderLayer? _leader;
2299 void _registerLeader(LeaderLayer leader) {
2300 assert(_leader != leader);
2301 assert((){
2302 if (_leader != null) {
2303 _debugPreviousLeaders ??= <LeaderLayer>{};
2304 _debugScheduleLeadersCleanUpCheck();
2305 return _debugPreviousLeaders!.add(_leader!);
2306 }
2307 return true;
2308 }());
2309 _leader = leader;
2310 }
2312 void _unregisterLeader(LeaderLayer leader) {
2313 if (_leader == leader) {
2314 _leader = null;
2315 } else {
2316 assert(_debugPreviousLeaders!.remove(leader));
2317 }
2318 }
2320 /// Stores the previous leaders that were replaced by the current [_leader]
2321 /// in the current frame.
2322 ///
2323 /// These leaders need to give up their leaderships of this link by the end of
2324 /// the current frame.
2325 Set<LeaderLayer>? _debugPreviousLeaders;
2326 bool _debugLeaderCheckScheduled = false;
2328 /// Schedules the check as post frame callback to make sure the
2329 /// [_debugPreviousLeaders] is empty.
2330 void _debugScheduleLeadersCleanUpCheck() {
2331 assert(_debugPreviousLeaders != null);
2332 assert(() {
2333 if (_debugLeaderCheckScheduled) {
2334 return true;
2335 }
2336 _debugLeaderCheckScheduled = true;
2337 SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((Duration timeStamp) {
2338 _debugLeaderCheckScheduled = false;
2339 assert(_debugPreviousLeaders!.isEmpty);
2340 }, debugLabel: 'LayerLink.leadersCleanUpCheck');
2341 return true;
2342 }());
2343 }
2345 /// The total size of the content of the connected [LeaderLayer].
2346 ///
2347 /// Generally this should be set by the [RenderObject] that paints on the
2348 /// registered [LeaderLayer] (for instance a [RenderLeaderLayer] that shares
2349 /// this link with its followers). This size may be outdated before and during
2350 /// layout.
2351 Size? leaderSize;
2353 @override
2354 String toString({ DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info }) {
2355 return '${describeIdentity(this)}(${ _leader != null ? "<linked>" : "<dangling>" })';
2356 }
2359/// A composited layer that can be followed by a [FollowerLayer].
2361/// This layer collapses the accumulated offset into a transform and passes
2362/// [Offset.zero] to its child layers in the [addToScene]/[addChildrenToScene]
2363/// methods, so that [applyTransform] will work reliably.
2364class LeaderLayer extends ContainerLayer {
2365 /// Creates a leader layer.
2366 ///
2367 /// The [link] property must not have been provided to any other [LeaderLayer]
2368 /// layers that are [attached] to the layer tree at the same time.
2369 ///
2370 /// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
2371 /// pipeline.
2372 LeaderLayer({ required LayerLink link, Offset offset = Offset.zero }) : _link = link, _offset = offset;
2374 /// The object with which this layer should register.
2375 ///
2376 /// The link will be established when this layer is [attach]ed, and will be
2377 /// cleared when this layer is [detach]ed.
2378 LayerLink get link => _link;
2379 LayerLink _link;
2380 set link(LayerLink value) {
2381 if (_link == value) {
2382 return;
2383 }
2384 if (attached) {
2385 _link._unregisterLeader(this);
2386 value._registerLeader(this);
2387 }
2388 _link = value;
2389 }
2391 /// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system.
2392 ///
2393 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2394 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2395 ///
2396 /// The [offset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase of the
2397 /// pipeline.
2398 Offset get offset => _offset;
2399 Offset _offset;
2400 set offset(Offset value) {
2401 if (value == _offset) {
2402 return;
2403 }
2404 _offset = value;
2405 if (!alwaysNeedsAddToScene) {
2406 markNeedsAddToScene();
2407 }
2408 }
2410 @override
2411 void attach(Object owner) {
2412 super.attach(owner);
2413 _link._registerLeader(this);
2414 }
2416 @override
2417 void detach() {
2418 _link._unregisterLeader(this);
2419 super.detach();
2420 }
2422 @override
2423 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
2424 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, localPosition - offset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
2425 }
2427 @override
2428 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
2429 if (offset != Offset.zero) {
2430 engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(
2431 Matrix4.translationValues(offset.dx, offset.dy, 0.0).storage,
2432 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer?,
2433 );
2434 } else {
2435 engineLayer = null;
2436 }
2437 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2438 if (offset != Offset.zero) {
2439 builder.pop();
2440 }
2441 }
2443 /// Applies the transform that would be applied when compositing the given
2444 /// child to the given matrix.
2445 ///
2446 /// See [ContainerLayer.applyTransform] for details.
2447 ///
2448 /// The `child` argument may be null, as the same transform is applied to all
2449 /// children.
2450 @override
2451 void applyTransform(Layer? child, Matrix4 transform) {
2452 if (offset != Offset.zero) {
2453 transform.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);
2454 }
2455 }
2457 @override
2458 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2459 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2460 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset));
2461 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<LayerLink>('link', link));
2462 }
2465/// A composited layer that applies a transformation matrix to its children such
2466/// that they are positioned to match a [LeaderLayer].
2468/// If any of the ancestors of this layer have a degenerate matrix (e.g. scaling
2469/// by zero), then the [FollowerLayer] will not be able to transform its child
2470/// to the coordinate space of the [LeaderLayer].
2472/// A [linkedOffset] property can be provided to further offset the child layer
2473/// from the leader layer, for example if the child is to follow the linked
2474/// layer at a distance rather than directly overlapping it.
2475class FollowerLayer extends ContainerLayer {
2476 /// Creates a follower layer.
2477 ///
2478 /// The [unlinkedOffset], [linkedOffset], and [showWhenUnlinked] properties
2479 /// must be non-null before the compositing phase of the pipeline.
2480 FollowerLayer({
2481 required this.link,
2482 this.showWhenUnlinked = true,
2483 this.unlinkedOffset = Offset.zero,
2484 this.linkedOffset = Offset.zero,
2485 });
2487 /// The link to the [LeaderLayer].
2488 ///
2489 /// The same object should be provided to a [LeaderLayer] that is earlier in
2490 /// the layer tree. When this layer is composited, it will apply a transform
2491 /// that moves its children to match the position of the [LeaderLayer].
2492 LayerLink link;
2494 /// Whether to show the layer's contents when the [link] does not point to a
2495 /// [LeaderLayer].
2496 ///
2497 /// When the layer is linked, children layers are positioned such that they
2498 /// have the same global position as the linked [LeaderLayer].
2499 ///
2500 /// When the layer is not linked, then: if [showWhenUnlinked] is true,
2501 /// children are positioned as if the [FollowerLayer] was a [ContainerLayer];
2502 /// if it is false, then children are hidden.
2503 ///
2504 /// The [showWhenUnlinked] property must be non-null before the compositing
2505 /// phase of the pipeline.
2506 bool? showWhenUnlinked;
2508 /// Offset from parent in the parent's coordinate system, used when the layer
2509 /// is not linked to a [LeaderLayer].
2510 ///
2511 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2512 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2513 ///
2514 /// The [unlinkedOffset] property must be non-null before the compositing
2515 /// phase of the pipeline.
2516 ///
2517 /// See also:
2518 ///
2519 /// * [linkedOffset], for when the layers are linked.
2520 Offset? unlinkedOffset;
2522 /// Offset from the origin of the leader layer to the origin of the child
2523 /// layers, used when the layer is linked to a [LeaderLayer].
2524 ///
2525 /// The scene must be explicitly recomposited after this property is changed
2526 /// (as described at [Layer]).
2527 ///
2528 /// The [linkedOffset] property must be non-null before the compositing phase
2529 /// of the pipeline.
2530 ///
2531 /// See also:
2532 ///
2533 /// * [unlinkedOffset], for when the layer is not linked.
2534 Offset? linkedOffset;
2536 Offset? _lastOffset;
2537 Matrix4? _lastTransform;
2538 Matrix4? _invertedTransform;
2539 bool _inverseDirty = true;
2541 Offset? _transformOffset(Offset localPosition) {
2542 if (_inverseDirty) {
2543 _invertedTransform = Matrix4.tryInvert(getLastTransform()!);
2544 _inverseDirty = false;
2545 }
2546 if (_invertedTransform == null) {
2547 return null;
2548 }
2549 final Vector4 vector = Vector4(localPosition.dx, localPosition.dy, 0.0, 1.0);
2550 final Vector4 result = _invertedTransform!.transform(vector);
2551 return Offset(result[0] - linkedOffset!.dx, result[1] - linkedOffset!.dy);
2552 }
2554 @override
2555 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
2556 if (link.leader == null) {
2557 if (showWhenUnlinked!) {
2558 return super.findAnnotations(result, localPosition - unlinkedOffset!, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
2559 }
2560 return false;
2561 }
2562 final Offset? transformedOffset = _transformOffset(localPosition);
2563 if (transformedOffset == null) {
2564 return false;
2565 }
2566 return super.findAnnotations<S>(result, transformedOffset, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
2567 }
2569 /// The transform that was used during the last composition phase.
2570 ///
2571 /// If the [link] was not linked to a [LeaderLayer], or if this layer has
2572 /// a degenerate matrix applied, then this will be null.
2573 ///
2574 /// This method returns a new [Matrix4] instance each time it is invoked.
2575 Matrix4? getLastTransform() {
2576 if (_lastTransform == null) {
2577 return null;
2578 }
2579 final Matrix4 result = Matrix4.translationValues(-_lastOffset!.dx, -_lastOffset!.dy, 0.0);
2580 result.multiply(_lastTransform!);
2581 return result;
2582 }
2584 /// Call [applyTransform] for each layer in the provided list.
2585 ///
2586 /// The list is in reverse order (deepest first). The first layer will be
2587 /// treated as the child of the second, and so forth. The first layer in the
2588 /// list won't have [applyTransform] called on it. The first layer may be
2589 /// null.
2590 static Matrix4 _collectTransformForLayerChain(List<ContainerLayer?> layers) {
2591 // Initialize our result matrix.
2592 final Matrix4 result = Matrix4.identity();
2593 // Apply each layer to the matrix in turn, starting from the last layer,
2594 // and providing the previous layer as the child.
2595 for (int index = layers.length - 1; index > 0; index -= 1) {
2596 layers[index]?.applyTransform(layers[index - 1], result);
2597 }
2598 return result;
2599 }
2601 /// Find the common ancestor of two layers [a] and [b] by searching towards
2602 /// the root of the tree, and append each ancestor of [a] or [b] visited along
2603 /// the path to [ancestorsA] and [ancestorsB] respectively.
2604 ///
2605 /// Returns null if [a] [b] do not share a common ancestor, in which case the
2606 /// results in [ancestorsA] and [ancestorsB] are undefined.
2607 static Layer? _pathsToCommonAncestor(
2608 Layer? a,
2609 Layer? b,
2610 List<ContainerLayer?> ancestorsA,
2611 List<ContainerLayer?> ancestorsB,
2612 ) {
2613 // No common ancestor found.
2614 if (a == null || b == null) {
2615 return null;
2616 }
2618 if (identical(a, b)) {
2619 return a;
2620 }
2622 if (a.depth < b.depth) {
2623 ancestorsB.add(b.parent);
2624 return _pathsToCommonAncestor(a, b.parent, ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
2625 } else if (a.depth > b.depth) {
2626 ancestorsA.add(a.parent);
2627 return _pathsToCommonAncestor(a.parent, b, ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
2628 }
2630 ancestorsA.add(a.parent);
2631 ancestorsB.add(b.parent);
2632 return _pathsToCommonAncestor(a.parent, b.parent, ancestorsA, ancestorsB);
2633 }
2635 bool _debugCheckLeaderBeforeFollower(
2636 List<ContainerLayer> leaderToCommonAncestor,
2637 List<ContainerLayer> followerToCommonAncestor,
2638 ) {
2639 if (followerToCommonAncestor.length <= 1) {
2640 // Follower is the common ancestor, ergo the leader must come AFTER the follower.
2641 return false;
2642 }
2643 if (leaderToCommonAncestor.length <= 1) {
2644 // Leader is the common ancestor, ergo the leader must come BEFORE the follower.
2645 return true;
2646 }
2648 // Common ancestor is neither the leader nor the follower.
2649 final ContainerLayer leaderSubtreeBelowAncestor = leaderToCommonAncestor[leaderToCommonAncestor.length - 2];
2650 final ContainerLayer followerSubtreeBelowAncestor = followerToCommonAncestor[followerToCommonAncestor.length - 2];
2652 Layer? sibling = leaderSubtreeBelowAncestor;
2653 while (sibling != null) {
2654 if (sibling == followerSubtreeBelowAncestor) {
2655 return true;
2656 }
2657 sibling = sibling.nextSibling;
2658 }
2659 // The follower subtree didn't come after the leader subtree.
2660 return false;
2661 }
2663 /// Populate [_lastTransform] given the current state of the tree.
2664 void _establishTransform() {
2665 _lastTransform = null;
2666 final LeaderLayer? leader = link.leader;
2667 // Check to see if we are linked.
2668 if (leader == null) {
2669 return;
2670 }
2671 // If we're linked, check the link is valid.
2672 assert(
2673 leader.owner == owner,
2674 'Linked LeaderLayer anchor is not in the same layer tree as the FollowerLayer.',
2675 );
2677 // Stores [leader, ..., commonAncestor] after calling _pathsToCommonAncestor.
2678 final List<ContainerLayer> forwardLayers = <ContainerLayer>[leader];
2679 // Stores [this (follower), ..., commonAncestor] after calling
2680 // _pathsToCommonAncestor.
2681 final List<ContainerLayer> inverseLayers = <ContainerLayer>[this];
2683 final Layer? ancestor = _pathsToCommonAncestor(
2684 leader, this,
2685 forwardLayers, inverseLayers,
2686 );
2687 assert(
2688 ancestor != null,
2689 'LeaderLayer and FollowerLayer do not have a common ancestor.',
2690 );
2691 assert(
2692 _debugCheckLeaderBeforeFollower(forwardLayers, inverseLayers),
2693 'LeaderLayer anchor must come before FollowerLayer in paint order, but the reverse was true.',
2694 );
2696 final Matrix4 forwardTransform = _collectTransformForLayerChain(forwardLayers);
2697 // Further transforms the coordinate system to a hypothetical child (null)
2698 // of the leader layer, to account for the leader's additional paint offset
2699 // and layer offset (LeaderLayer.offset).
2700 leader.applyTransform(null, forwardTransform);
2701 forwardTransform.translate(linkedOffset!.dx, linkedOffset!.dy);
2703 final Matrix4 inverseTransform = _collectTransformForLayerChain(inverseLayers);
2705 if (inverseTransform.invert() == 0.0) {
2706 // We are in a degenerate transform, so there's not much we can do.
2707 return;
2708 }
2709 // Combine the matrices and store the result.
2710 inverseTransform.multiply(forwardTransform);
2711 _lastTransform = inverseTransform;
2712 _inverseDirty = true;
2713 }
2715 /// {@template flutter.rendering.FollowerLayer.alwaysNeedsAddToScene}
2716 /// This disables retained rendering.
2717 ///
2718 /// A [FollowerLayer] copies changes from a [LeaderLayer] that could be anywhere
2719 /// in the Layer tree, and that leader layer could change without notifying the
2720 /// follower layer. Therefore we have to always call a follower layer's
2721 /// [addToScene]. In order to call follower layer's [addToScene], leader layer's
2722 /// [addToScene] must be called first so leader layer must also be considered
2723 /// as [alwaysNeedsAddToScene].
2724 /// {@endtemplate}
2725 @override
2726 bool get alwaysNeedsAddToScene => true;
2728 @override
2729 void addToScene(ui.SceneBuilder builder) {
2730 assert(showWhenUnlinked != null);
2731 if (link.leader == null && !showWhenUnlinked!) {
2732 _lastTransform = null;
2733 _lastOffset = null;
2734 _inverseDirty = true;
2735 engineLayer = null;
2736 return;
2737 }
2738 _establishTransform();
2739 if (_lastTransform != null) {
2740 _lastOffset = unlinkedOffset;
2741 engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(
2742 _lastTransform!.storage,
2743 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer?,
2744 );
2745 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2746 builder.pop();
2747 } else {
2748 _lastOffset = null;
2749 final Matrix4 matrix = Matrix4.translationValues(unlinkedOffset!.dx, unlinkedOffset!.dy, .0);
2750 engineLayer = builder.pushTransform(
2751 matrix.storage,
2752 oldLayer: _engineLayer as ui.TransformEngineLayer?,
2753 );
2754 addChildrenToScene(builder);
2755 builder.pop();
2756 }
2757 _inverseDirty = true;
2758 }
2760 @override
2761 void applyTransform(Layer? child, Matrix4 transform) {
2762 assert(child != null);
2763 if (_lastTransform != null) {
2764 transform.multiply(_lastTransform!);
2765 } else {
2766 transform.multiply(Matrix4.translationValues(unlinkedOffset!.dx, unlinkedOffset!.dy, 0));
2767 }
2768 }
2770 @override
2771 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2772 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2773 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<LayerLink>('link', link));
2774 properties.add(TransformProperty('transform', getLastTransform(), defaultValue: null));
2775 }
2778/// A composited layer which annotates its children with a value. Pushing this
2779/// layer to the tree is the common way of adding an annotation.
2781/// An annotation is an optional object of any type that, when attached with a
2782/// layer, can be retrieved using [Layer.find] or [Layer.findAllAnnotations]
2783/// with a position. The search process is done recursively, controlled by a
2784/// concept of being opaque to a type of annotation, explained in the document
2785/// of [Layer.findAnnotations].
2787/// When an annotation search arrives, this layer defers the same search to each
2788/// of this layer's children, respecting their opacity. Then it adds this
2789/// layer's annotation if all of the following restrictions are met:
2791/// {@template flutter.rendering.AnnotatedRegionLayer.restrictions}
2792/// * The target type must be identical to the annotated type `T`.
2793/// * If [size] is provided, the target position must be contained within the
2794/// rectangle formed by [size] and [offset].
2795/// {@endtemplate}
2797/// This layer is opaque to a type of annotation if any child is also opaque, or
2798/// if [opaque] is true and the layer's annotation is added.
2799class AnnotatedRegionLayer<T extends Object> extends ContainerLayer {
2800 /// Creates a new layer that annotates its children with [value].
2801 AnnotatedRegionLayer(
2802 this.value, {
2803 this.size,
2804 Offset? offset,
2805 this.opaque = false,
2806 }) : offset = offset ?? Offset.zero;
2808 /// The annotated object, which is added to the result if all restrictions are
2809 /// met.
2810 final T value;
2812 /// The size of the annotated object.
2813 ///
2814 /// If [size] is provided, then the annotation is found only if the target
2815 /// position is contained by the rectangle formed by [size] and [offset].
2816 /// Otherwise no such restriction is applied, and clipping can only be done by
2817 /// the ancestor layers.
2818 final Size? size;
2820 /// The position of the annotated object.
2821 ///
2822 /// The [offset] defaults to [Offset.zero] if not provided, and is ignored if
2823 /// [size] is not set.
2824 ///
2825 /// The [offset] only offsets the clipping rectangle, and does not affect
2826 /// how the painting or annotation search is propagated to its children.
2827 final Offset offset;
2829 /// Whether the annotation of this layer should be opaque during an annotation
2830 /// search of type `T`, preventing siblings visually behind it from being
2831 /// searched.
2832 ///
2833 /// If [opaque] is true, and this layer does add its annotation [value],
2834 /// then the layer will always be opaque during the search.
2835 ///
2836 /// If [opaque] is false, or if this layer does not add its annotation,
2837 /// then the opacity of this layer will be the one returned by the children,
2838 /// meaning that it will be opaque if any child is opaque.
2839 ///
2840 /// The [opaque] defaults to false.
2841 ///
2842 /// The [opaque] is effectively useless during [Layer.find] (more
2843 /// specifically, [Layer.findAnnotations] with `onlyFirst: true`), since the
2844 /// search process then skips the remaining tree after finding the first
2845 /// annotation.
2846 ///
2847 /// See also:
2848 ///
2849 /// * [Layer.findAnnotations], which explains the concept of being opaque
2850 /// to a type of annotation as the return value.
2851 /// * [HitTestBehavior], which controls similar logic when hit-testing in the
2852 /// render tree.
2853 final bool opaque;
2855 /// Searches the subtree for annotations of type `S` at the location
2856 /// `localPosition`, then adds the annotation [value] if applicable.
2857 ///
2858 /// This method always searches its children, and if any child returns `true`,
2859 /// the remaining children are skipped. Regardless of what the children
2860 /// return, this method then adds this layer's annotation if all of the
2861 /// following restrictions are met:
2862 ///
2863 /// {@macro flutter.rendering.AnnotatedRegionLayer.restrictions}
2864 ///
2865 /// This search process respects `onlyFirst`, meaning that when `onlyFirst` is
2866 /// true, the search will stop when it finds the first annotation from the
2867 /// children, and the layer's own annotation is checked only when none is
2868 /// given by the children.
2869 ///
2870 /// The return value is true if any child returns `true`, or if [opaque] is
2871 /// true and the layer's annotation is added.
2872 ///
2873 /// For explanation of layer annotations, parameters and return value, refer
2874 /// to [Layer.findAnnotations].
2875 @override
2876 bool findAnnotations<S extends Object>(AnnotationResult<S> result, Offset localPosition, { required bool onlyFirst }) {
2877 bool isAbsorbed = super.findAnnotations(result, localPosition, onlyFirst: onlyFirst);
2878 if (result.entries.isNotEmpty && onlyFirst) {
2879 return isAbsorbed;
2880 }
2881 if (size != null && !(offset & size!).contains(localPosition)) {
2882 return isAbsorbed;
2883 }
2884 if (T == S) {
2885 isAbsorbed = isAbsorbed || opaque;
2886 final Object untypedValue = value;
2887 final S typedValue = untypedValue as S;
2888 result.add(AnnotationEntry<S>(
2889 annotation: typedValue,
2890 localPosition: localPosition - offset,
2891 ));
2892 }
2893 return isAbsorbed;
2894 }
2896 @override
2897 void debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) {
2898 super.debugFillProperties(properties);
2899 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<T>('value', value));
2900 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Size>('size', size, defaultValue: null));
2901 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<Offset>('offset', offset, defaultValue: null));
2902 properties.add(DiagnosticsProperty<bool>('opaque', opaque, defaultValue: false));
2903 }